Naylor Building

Department of Medicine

Anchored in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at U of T, the Department of Medicine is one of the oldest departments of its kind in North America, dating back to the founding of the School of Medicine in 1843. Now, the Department of Medicine is one of the largest in North America, with 946 full-time faculty members and over 1,000 postgraduate trainees located across hospitals and clinical practice sites across the Greater Toronto Area. One third of Canada’s and one half of Ontario’s internal medicine specialists received their training here.

We are a research powerhouse that generates new knowledge with the goal of meaningfully impacting internal medicine training and the care and health outcomes of patients and their families. A commitment to equity, diversity and professionalism, and a philosophy of innovation, creativity and continuous quality improvement, informs everything that we do.

Welcome to the Department of Medicine

Message from the Chair

Thanks for the memories…

Amid the stress and discord in which we are living, taking time to gather and celebrate milestones achieved is important. On June 10, we hosted almost 800 family, friends, faculty, residents and fellows at our annual Resident and Fellow Graduation ceremony. We applauded an impressive group of physician graduates. They’ve worked incredibly hard to become medicine specialists and sub-specialists and are now poised to embark on the next phase of their medical careers – some to practice and others to yet more training. Yes, it is a long journey, but well worth it. Congratulations, graduates, for a job well done.