Training & Education in Research & Scholarship
Programs offered by the Department of Medicine:
Master Teacher Program
The Master Teacher Program is a two-year educational endeavour that is designed to meet the learning needs of each participant. Participating physicians attend the program one half-day per week. The program provides a core series of sessions and a practicum. The core series includes sessions on essential teaching topics: small and large group teaching techniques, bedside teaching, assessing learner needs, fostering understanding and retention of knowledge, evaluation, feedback, teaching in difficult situations and others. Visiting professors from Canada and the United States as well as outstanding local experts provide the training for these sessions. Participants may also elect to take additional relevant graduate courses offered at the University.
Resources available through the Faculty of Medicine:
Wilson Centre for Research in Education
– A global leader in advancing healthcare education and practice through research.
The vision of the Wilson Centre highlights its aspiration to be a global leader, and reiterates its fundamental role in research that advances healthcare education and practice. These are not two discrete activities; rather, research in healthcare education informs practice, and research in the practice of healthcare informs education. The mission statement identifies what an organization does to achieve its vision. The mission of the Wilson Centre encapsulates three parallel paths towards realising the vision.
Centre for Faculty Development
The Centre for Faculty Development (CFD) is a partnership between the University of Toronto (U of T) and St. Michael's Hospital (SMH) - a fully affiliated teaching hospital. The CFD is committed to enhancing the academic development of faculty in the Faculty of Medicine, additional Health Science Faculties (i.e. nursing, pharmacy, etc.) at U of T, and other institutions through innovation, capacity building and scholarship in the design, implementation and evaluation of faculty development. In addition to this commitment, the CFD welcomes anyone, regardless of whether they have a faculty appointment or not, who has a role related to teaching, education and academic work in their healthcare organization or setting.
Other University of Toronto & TAHSN-based resources:
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Higher Education Program
The Higher Education Program offers an MEd program in higher education, including an MEd specializing in health professional education. The programs can be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis.
MScCH: Health Practitioner Teacher Education
Health Practitioner Teacher Education (HPTE) is an area of growing interest as, the expectation for skills training in pedagogy and certification of teaching become the norm for university instructors around the world. The MScCH (HPTE) addresses the practical high quality education needs of health professionals locally, nationally and internationally.
Institute of Medical Science
The Institute of Medical Science (IMS) offers a wide range of stimulating, research-intensive Master's of Science and Doctor of Philosophy programs in basic sciences, clinical sciences, and population health research. Under the mentorship of one of their faculty members you will receive specialized training and exposure to Toronto’s finest cutting-edge multidisciplinary research. Their graduates have been appointed to instrumental positions as academics and healthcare professionals in universities, government and industry.
Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
The Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) is best described as a community made whole by its many moving parts—students, faculty, alumni, healthcare researchers and a variety of providers, partners and professionals in the field. With over 300 students, 200 faculty and more than 100 senior healthcare executives in adjunct roles, IHPME is a wellspring of opportunity, learning and innovation.
HoPingKong Centre for Excellence in Education and Practice (CEEP)
The HoPingKong Centre for Excellence in Education and Practice (CEEP) is dedicated to improving medical education at the bedside through innovation and scholarship. The Centre’s purpose is to educate physicians for scholarly careers in General Internal Medicine and train the next generations of doctors who teach.