Annual Faculty Review
Recommendations Regarding Annual Faculty Review of DoM Full-Time Faculty
Purpose of the Review
The Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, is committed to ensuring your career satisfaction and success. With this goal in mind, all full time DoM members are expected to participate in an Annual Faculty Review (AFR), irrespective of career stage or rank. This provides you the opportunity for formal discussion about what is and may not be working to achieve your goals, to ensure you are meeting the expectations of your primary hospital, division and the University, and to facilitate your successful Continuing Faculty Appointment Review (three-year review) and promotion through the ranks.
Conduct of the Review
Given the variability in size of our divisions and hospital departments, the AFR may be undertaken by any one or more of: your PIC/Department Chief, Hospital Division Head and/or Department Division Director. This may be in addition to a Research Institute review, for those of you conducting research.
In any given year, the following items should be discussed, as appropriate to your position description, career stage and rank:
- Highlights and challenges of the prior academic year & goals for the upcoming year: teaching/education, research, creative professional activities;
- Wellness & work life integration;
- Academic Position Description: alignment with career goals; alignment of position description expectations re teaching (quantity, quality and levels of teaching), scholarship, clinical and administrative activities with your current activities;
- Teaching effectiveness: teaching evaluations – number and UG/PG TES scores, formal and informal teaching contributions;
- Mentorship: quality and quantity, appropriateness to needs;
- Professional development: leadership or other advanced training
- Career milestones: preparedness for three year review & junior/senior promotion;
- Professionalism & citizenship: formal assessments, participation in hospital, divisional, and departmental activities, attendance at rounds;
- Finances: practice plan status, retirement planning, adherence to Hospital policies;
- Adherence to Hospital / University policies re conflict of interest and relationships with industry;
- Planned changes in clinical or academic activities (leaves, breaks and retirement plans); and,
- Eligibility for awards: hospital, divisional and departmental.
Post Review Summary
To reduce the probability of competing demands and/or mixed messages, irrespective of who conducts the review, it is expected that a key points discussed and action items are summarized by the Reviewer(s) and shared with relevant stakeholders (faculty member, PIC, hospital and departmental division direction, Chair, Research Institute, Program Lead, etc.). This will help ensure we are all on the same page as you with respect to your career plans and expected outcomes.
Preparation for the Review
The above list is long – not everything is relevant at every review. So please take some time to prepare for your review – what are your priorities for discussion? Let those with whom you are meeting know ahead of time.
Please review your academic plan and academic position description ahead of time – reflect on whether you are meeting the expectations you set out and if the current APD fits with you career goals. Review and reflect on your teaching evaluations – remember that teaching effectiveness is required of all faculty members, irrespective of their APD. If you have received other feedback, e.g. a 360 review, please review and reflect on that as well.
Consider the highlights of the past year(s) and what you would like to accomplish next. Ask yourself what is going well and where perhaps some adjustments are required. How would you rate your work-life integration and career satisfaction? Come prepared to discuss these.
If the time is up and you feel you have more to discuss, please just say so! And, if you feel you need to meet more frequently than annually, that is ok too: just let your leadership team/mentors know.
The Chair and Vice-Chairs are also happy to meet with you at any time if we can be of help – again, just let us know!
Download the Annual Faculty Review Checklist