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Updated: The Department of Medicine is moving to the C. David Naylor Building

October 28 Update: As of Monday, October 28, Department of Medicine staff have successfully moved to the third floor of the Naylor Building. Thank you everyone for your patience and cooperation during this transition. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Department of Medicine’s new home in the Naylor Building!
October 24 Update: We are excited to report that after an unforeseen delay, the Department of Medicine has a confirmed move date to the third floor of the Naylor Building on Monday, October 28.
Staff will be on-site on October 28, though you may experience longer than normal response times as we unpack and get ourselves set up in our new office.
As the meeting rooms are being set up, all meetings previously booked in the Department of Medicine offices have been relocated. Please double check your calendars or with meeting organizers to confirm the new location. Please see below for more information about meeting spaces and other FAQs related to the move.
October 21 Update: Over the weekend of October 18, we anticipated moving the Department of Medicine from our Toronto General Hospital office to the Naylor Building at 6 Queen's Park Crescent West. Due to unforeseen circumstances, this relocation has been delayed.
The Department of Medicine has secured temporary space in the Medical Science Building (MSB) for staff to work pending a final move to the third floor of the Naylor Building. During this period, some staff will also be working from home. We will be working in this configuration from Monday, October 21 to Friday, October 25.
As we get connected in our temporary space in MSB, some staff accessibility may be limited. Staff can be contacted via email beginning Tuesday October 22, though you may experience a longer than normal response time.
We are working closely with Faculty of Medicine Facilities Management & Space Planning and Discovery Commons to ensure a smooth transition both into our temporary working space at MSB and a timely move into the Naylor Building.
At this time, the future office of the Department of Medicine on the third floor of the Naylor Building is still a construction site and only specifically authorized staff are allowed access.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Frequently Asked Questions:
The Department of Medicine will soon be moving to its new home on the third floor in the C. David Naylor Building, also known as the Naylor Building, on the University of Toronto campus. Located at 6 Queen’s Park Crescent West, the Naylor Building is situated near the north-west corner of Queen’s Park and College Street. It is located between the U of T Medical Sciences Building and the Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building, and is still a short walk from many of the Faculty of Medicine’s fully-affiliated teaching hospitals.
Why are we moving?
The Department of Medicine has grown tremendously in the past few years. As we started to outgrow our office space at Toronto General Hospital, some staff, including the Finance, Research and Communications teams, have already moved to the Naylor Building. This move will bring the department together centrally on the University of Toronto campus.
What new facilities will be available to faculty and staff?
The new Department of Medicine office will feature numerous bookable meeting and work spaces, including two meeting rooms, a boardroom and an Emeritus Lounge with private work stations. We encourage all of our faculty members and Professors Emeriti to visit us, hold meetings and use the new Emeritus Lounge bookable work stations. For more information, or to book these facilities, please contact Brianna at
What is the new Department of Medicine address? How do I get there?
The new mailing address for the Department of Medicine is:
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
C. David Naylor Building
6 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Third Floor
Toronto, ON M5S 3H2
The Department of Medicine is located on the third floor of the Naylor Building, which can be accessed by stairs or an elevator. Two staircases can be found on both the left and right side of the main reception desk. The elevator is located on the east side of the hall, to the left of the reception desk. There is an accessible entrance at the rear of the building near the loading ramp.
See below for information on accessing the Naylor Building by public transit, car or bike.
Will the contact information for Department of Medicine staff change?
Phone numbers and email addresses for all Department of Medicine staff will remain the same. Any mail should be directed to our new mailing address, above.
Is the Naylor Building accessible before and after regular office hours?
The front door of the Naylor Building is fully open between the hours of 8:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. Before and after these hours, the front door can only be opened with a fob key. More details will become available for accessing the building before 8:45 a.m. and after 5 p.m.
Can I still use inter-hospital mail to send mail and packages to and from the Department of Medicine?
Unfortunately, no. All mail to and from the Department of Medicine must be sent via Canada Post or courier.
How do I get to the Naylor Building by public transit?
The Naylor Building is a short walk from the northwest entrance of the Queen’s Park subway station.
Where is the nearest parking lot?
Parking is available in the MaRS underground parking lot, accessed via Elizabeth Street, just south of College on the west side of the road. It can also be accessed via University Avenue when driving northbound, beside the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, south of College Street.
There is a Green P parking lot located at 201-233 McCaul Street, close to Mount Sinai Hospital. This is an above-ground lot.
There are many other local parking lots within walking distance of the Naylor Building and street parking available on King’s College Circle.
Please note we do not offer reimbursement for parking.
Where should I lock my bike?
There are numerous bike racks located on the south side of the Naylor Building.
What if I need to order a cab?
If you are ordering a cab to the Department of Medicine, we suggest cabs be directed to 1 King’s College Circle, at the front entrance of the Medical Sciences Building, where it is easier for cars to stop. Taxis can also be flagged down from College Street or Queen’s Park, or from any of the nearby hospital taxi bays.
What other offices are in the Naylor Building?
There are a number of other Faculty of Medicine departments and offices in the Naylor Building. These include the Advancement Office; Communications Office; Department of Otolaryngology; Office of the Vice-Dean, Research and Innovation and others. We will be sharing the third floor with the Office of Health Professions Student Affairs (OHPSA).
Is there a transition period for meetings held at the Department of Medicine?
There will be a brief transition period immediately following the move where the boardroom and other meeting spaces will not be available. We are working with U of T’s Space Planning to find space during this period. Within the next few weeks, you should receive a notification with a new meeting space for any meetings scheduled at the Department of Medicine after October 18. Please contact your meeting organizer if you have any questions. If you are the meeting organizer, please contact Brianna at
What important dates should I be aware of?
The Department of Medicine will be closed for business from Friday, October 18 to Monday, October 21, 2019 inclusive. On Monday, October 21, staff will be unpacking at the new Department of Medicine office. Staff will be on-site, but no meetings will take place in the Department of Medicine office. Computers, phones and internet access will not be available to staff on this date.
We thank you for your patience and understanding!
If you have any additional questions, please contact Brianna Cangiotti at