Annual Respirology Research & Awards Day

Annual Respirology Research & Awards Day 2023 - June 9th at the Faculty Club, U of T

Winners of the Research Day Competition 2023:

Best Oral Presentation for Basic Science: Kayla Baker

Best Oral Presentation for Clinical/Health Sciences: Amanda Mac

Best Basic Science Poster presentation: Wen Ying Liu

Best Clinical Science Poster presentation: Faisal Albaiz

Best Health Science Poster presentation: Stacey Butler

Winners of the Division of Respirology Annual Research and Teaching Awards for 2022-2023

Jae Yang Resident Teacher Award: Waleed Ahmed

Faculty Teacher Award: Harvey Wong

Faculty Excellence in Research Award: Anne Stephenson

Outstanding Research Trainee Award: Anastasija Vasileva

Annual Respirology Research & Awards Day 2022 - Oct. 12, 2022

Winners of the Research Day Competition:

Best Oral Presentation: Amanda Mac

Second place: Andreea Furdui

Best Basic Science Poster presentation: Kayla Baker

Second Place: Jean-Philippe Rousseau

Best Clinical Science Poster presentation: Maha Munawar

Second place: Jan Lim

Best Health Science Poster presentation: Victoria Arrandale

Second place: Kimia Sheikholeslami

Winners of the Division of Respirology Annual Awards:

Jae Yang Award 2021-22 recipient: Shaun Ong

Faculty Teacher Award 2021-22 recipient: Jolene Fisher

Faculty Excellence in Research Award 2021-2022: Lianne Singer

Outstanding Research Trainee Award 2021-2022: Stacey Butler