Education Committee


To advise the Department of Medicine Chair on the investment of resources and the educational challenges, opportunities and priorities for the future. The committee is chaired by the Vice-Chair, Education.


To engage in ongoing, high level discussions about the educational goals of the department and to bring leadership for all levels of medical education—from the first year of medical school to the final year of fellowship—together to help shape the environment for education in the department, at the Faculty of Medicine, and in the various healthcare facilities in the University of Toronto system. To advocate for the needs of learners—and by extension, our patients—in order to foster educational innovations that address important issues confronting society.


Once monthly during the regular academic year (September-June). Additional meetings of subcommittees and working groups may be necessary with periodic reports to the Education Executive Committee.


In addition to senior administrative representation, faculty representatives from the entire spectrum of the department’s education mission—from undergraduate medical education to postgraduate education and continuing professional development—as well as the different sites involved in the department’s educational efforts, are present on the committee.






Arno K. Kumagai

Vice Chair, Education


Women’s College Hospital

Ryan Brydges, Ph.D.

Education Scientist

Wilson Centre

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Luke Devine

Program Director, UGME

General Internal Medicine

Sinai Health System - Mount Sinai Hospital

Shiphra Ginsburg

Director, Education Scholarship


Sinai Health System - Mount Sinai Hospital

Jeannette Goguen

Program Director, Internal Medicine Core


St. Michael’s Hospital

Sawan Tate

Projects Coordinator, Specialty Programs


Department of Medicine

Cheryl Jaigobin

Director, Fellowship Programs


UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Dawn Lim

Standing Member

Emergency Medicine

UHN - Toronto General Hospital 

Heather McDonald-Blumer

Department Division Director, Rheumatology

Lead, Competence By Design


Sinai Health System - Mount Sinai Hospital

Umberin Najeeb

Co-Director, Master Teacher Program

General Internal Medicine

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Danny Panisko

Co-Director, Master Teacher Program

General Internal Medicine

Sinai Health System - Mount Sinai Hospital

Lisa Richardson

Vice-Chair, Culture & Inclusion

General Internal Medicine

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Martin Schreiber

Co-Director Lead, Faculty Development


St. Michael's Hospital 

Asia Ferrara

Postgraduate Program Coordinator, Admin Lead EEC


Department of Medicine

Brian Wong

Director, Continuing Education & Quality Improvement

General Internal Medicine

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre