Elective Request Form – Internal Medicine Program

University of Toronto, Department of Medicine
Elective Request Form – Internal Medicine Program

Complete this form for both University of Toronto and/or Non-University of Toronto Electives. Incomplete or modified forms will not be accepted. Elective requests are evaluated based on their ability to meet individual resident career objectives, as they adhere to the requirements set out by the Internal Medicine Program in conjunction with the RCPSC /CANMEDS framework. Requests for an elective already offered as a core internal medicine rotation will not be approved as such.

IMPORTANT: Residents on University of Toronto electives are required to take call with their base hospital site. Please see Portal – Call Information/Responsibilities for a list of University of Toronto affiliated sites and the associated call responsibilities. If any of these exceptions apply to you, contact the Education Coordinator at your base hospital at least four weeks before the commencement of your elective, so they can take this into account in putting together the schedule.

Resident Information

PGY level (at time of elective)*
Does your elective proposal include a call requirement?*
Have you been pre-apporoved for vacation at the time of the elective?*
Type of Elective requested:*
Affiliated Site (Elective Rotation Site):

Non University of Toronto

SUPERVISOR INFORMATION (for U of T Affiliated Sites, omit mailing address)



If your elective proposal includes a call requirement, include details including the type (e.g. overnight, home, evening) and number of calls during the four week period


For out of province electives, the Department of Medicine office will not automatically supply a copy of the elective approval letter to both the licensing agency and post-graduate office of your host institution. If the approval letter must be submitted to any additional parties (including the above), please provide their contact information below:
By checking this box you confirm that: (a) you have read through the instructions fully and carefully, (b) you have contacted your elective supervisor and confirmed that they are able to accommodate you, and (c) all information provided is true and accurate.
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