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International Geriatric Mental Health (I-GeMH) Rounds: Dr. Diego de Leo
Canada-International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO)
Baycrest Health Sciences
Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (cagp)
Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Canada
Speaker: Professor Diego de Leo, AO, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCPE (hon.), FRANZCP
Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Griffith University in Brisbane
Doctor of Science (Scientia Professor) in Psychogeriatrics and Suicidology
Past President, International Association for Suicide Prevention
Editor Emeritus, Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
Initiator, World Suicide Prevention Day
Topic: Why Old Men Choose Suicide So Often?
Educational Objectives:
- Review the dimensions of the phenomenon 'Suicide in Late Life'
- Explore the Gender Paradox in suicidal behavior
- Discuss Critical Aspects and Protective Factors
- Understand how to screen suicide danger
- Consider treatment and prevention opportunities.
How to Join Zoom Event
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - You must register before the start time by clicking on this link
• Rounds start at 8 AM ET - there is a 30-minute window to connect early.
• Zoom technical questions? Email Agnes Cheng Tsallis
• To become a Speaker, please send email to:
• Speaker evaluation (anonymous)
The International Geriatric Mental Health Rounds (Videoconference) is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
These rounds are restricted to practitioners, students, and researchers in health care.