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Neurology Grand Rounds: Dr Marieke Wermer
Visiting Professor Series: Dr Marieke Wermer
Speaker: Prof.dr. Marieke Wermer
Professor of Neurology
Leiden University Medical Center
Topic: Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy - Emerging concepts and clinical phenotypes
Learning Objectives:
1. To recognize the growing clinical spectrum of CAA
2. To learn about new concepts in the pathophysiology of CAA
3. To be able to make clinical decisions in patients with CAA
Marieke Wermer is professor of Neurology and clinical epidemiologist at the Leiden University Medical Center in Leiden (LUMC), the Netherlands. Her main topics of interest are cerebral amyloid angiopathy, cerebral aneurysms, sex differences in stroke and the relationship between migraine and stroke. In the University of Toronto Neurology Grand Rounds she will talk about emerging concepts and the growing clinical spectrum of cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a common cerebral small vessel disease, associated with lobar intracerebral hemorrhage and cognitive decline. The diagnosis CAA is important because of the clinical implications but can also be a challenge because of the growing clinical spectrum. In this grant round new insights in the pathophysiology of CAA will be discussed from a clinical relevant perspective including the upcoming new Boston criteria, the diagnosis of transient focal neurological episodes and new subtypes of CAA such as CAA related inflammation and iatrogenic CAA

These rounds are generously supported by Mrs. Alix and Mr. Jim Arnett and through formal partnership with the Division of Neurology by Alexion, Biogen, Bristol Myers Squibb, EMD Serono, Grifols, Novartis, Paladin, Roche, Sanofi Genzyme, Sunovion, Teva and UCB.