Historically, the Department of Medicine has provided limited term start-up funding for new faculty whose job description is Clinician Scientist. These funds are directed to the candidate‘s home hospital Practice Plans. We had occasionally provided funding to early career Clinician Scientists as they came off peer-reviewed salary awards. Recognizing a reduction in the number of career scientist awards available in today’s research environment, the Department of Medicine is mindful that more stable salary support is critical for long-term success. With this in mind, the Merit Review panel, led by Dr. Kevin Kain, was struck in 2012 and charged with providing evidence based recommendations to the Chair of the Department pertinent to continuing support for clinician-scientists. The Clinician Scientist Merit Review is an opportunity to recognize excellence within the Department and to identify those in need of additional mentoring support and develop strategies for their future success. More information about the Merit Review process can be found here.
Applications consist of a CV and a candidate statement. Candidates’ statements will follow the same format as the Stage 1 of the CIHR Foundation Scheme application, providing applicants with the opportunity to align their merit application with future CIHR Foundation formats (i.e. to decrease redundancy/re-formatting required for future CIHR applications). This format asks researchers to describe;
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday, January 28, 2019 and should be submitted via email to Joanna King.