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Master Teacher Program
The Department of Medicine is now accepting applications for September 2016 entry into the Master Teacher Program. Deadline for applications is July 1, 2016.
The Master Teacher Program is a two-year educational endeavour that is designed to meet the learning needs of each participant. Participating physicians attend the program one half-day per week (the cohort beginning September 2016 will take place on Wednesday afternoons). The program provides a core series of sessions and a practicum. The core series includes sessions on essential teaching topics: small and large group teaching techniques, bedside teaching, assessing learner needs, fostering understanding and retention of knowledge, evaluation, feedback, teaching in difficult situations and others. Visiting professors from Canada and the United States as well as outstanding local experts provide the training for these sessions. Participants may also elect to take additional relevant graduate courses offered at the University.
For detailed information and application form, please follow the Master Teacher web link:
Completed application forms can be sent to:
Department of Medicine
University of Toronto
3-805 Fraser Elliott Bldg
190 Elizabeth Street
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4
Phone: 416-978-8383
Fax: 416-978-7230
For further information, please contact either of the Co-Directors:
Danny Panisko, MD MPH FRCP(C)
Co-Director, Master Teacher Program
Tina Borschel, MD, MSc
Co-Director, Master Teacher Program
2016 CSCI/CIHR Resident Research Prize
The purpose of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation (CSCI/CIHR) Award is to recognize the best resident research project conducted during a RCPSC/CFPC training program. The application will be considered on overall merit, based on the following criteria: research design, evidence of research ethics compliance, contribution of research to the field of study, originality, relevance of study, and quality of end product (i.e. paper, poster, presentation and educational innovation).
An amount of $1,000 is awarded as well as a complimentary two-year CSCI membership along with a certificate signed by the CIHR and CSCI presidents.
The award is presented to the winner by a CSCI member of the faculty. The winner is expected to make a short presentation on some aspect of clinical research. The presentation could be part of an existing division/department teaching activity.
- There are no restrictions on the type of research eligible for the award. However, the research must have been completed while applicants were residents.
- Each applicant must submit the following as a complete package via e-mail to Arlene McKinley at
- Nomination form
- Completed project report/publication/product
- 300 word abstract of the project
- Letter of reference from Program Director or Designated Program Research Coordinator
The deadline for submission of completed packages to the Postgraduate Office is Friday, June 24, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Arlene McKinley at 416-946-5471 or by email at
Additional award information can be found at our website: