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Appointments & Awards: October 2021

Ajmera Transplant Centre, UHN
Stephen Juvet, Deputy Research Director
American Society of Transplantation
Deepali Kumar, President
The AST is dedicated to advancing the field of transplantation by promoting research, education, advocacy, and organ donation; it is widely considered the premier international society for transplantation with over 4000 members.
CIHR Institute of Aging Advisory Board
Paula Rochon, Chair
Division of General Internal Medicine
David Frost, Dr Herbert Ho Ping Kong Chair in General Internal Medicine
Dr. David Frost has been appointed the inaugural Dr. Herbert Ho Ping Kong Chair in GIM, a University of Toronto and University Health Network Endowed Position. In this role, he will enhance the educational program within ambulatory GIM care at Toronto Western Hospital, taking a leadership role both in designing clinical learning experiences and in supporting fellows and early career clinicians, promoting high-quality educational scholarship and skill development in ambulatory practice.
Fitzgerald Academy
Jeremy Edwards, Director
Heart & Stroke
Mina Madan, Polo Chair
Established in 1999 through a donation to the University of Toronto from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, the Chair supports research in evidence-based, guideline-recommended approaches to individuals at risk for, and patients with, cardiovascular disease.
Novo Nordisk Network for Healthy Populations
Lorraine Lipscombe, Director
Based at U of T Mississauga, the network is a partnership between the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and University of Toronto Mississauga. The network will focus on interdisciplinary collaboration to accelerate on-the-ground diabetes research, education and outreach.
American Society of Nephrology
Joanne Bargman, 2021 Robert G. Narins Lifetime Achievement Award
The Robert G. Narins Award honors individuals who have made substantial and meritorious contributions in education and teaching. The award recipients have focused untold hours, tremendous skills, creativity, and dedication to improve the lives of patients with kidney diseases. While advancing research, treatments, and patient care, they have mentored trainees and junior faculty who will carry forth and build upon their pioneering work.
Michelle Hladunewich, 2021 Distinguished Clinical Service Award
This award recognizes individuals who combine the art of medicine with the skills demanded by the scientific body of knowledge in service to patients. Exemplifies leadership and excellence in the practice of nephrology and whose time is spent primarily in the delivery of patient care. Has initiated or been involved in volunteer programs or has provided volunteer service post-training.
American Society of Transplantation
Mamatha Bhat, Basic Science Career Development Award
This achievement award recognizesof productivity in one's research program and contributions to the field of transplantation as an Early career investigator. Dr. Bhat's translational research program is dedicated to elucidating the mechanistic basis of post-transplant complications (namely metabolic and malignant complications) using systems biology and machine learning tools.
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Gillian Booth, Cathy Craven, Margaret Herridge, Mansoor Husain, David Jenkins, Amit Oza, Vincent Piguet, Aaron Schimmer & Sharon Walmsley, Fellows of the CAHS
One of the country's highest honours in the health sciences community, CAHS fellows are recognized by their peers nationally and internationally for their leadership, creativity and commitment to advance academic health science.
Canadian Dermatology Association Resident and Fellow Society
Kucy Pon, Faculty Clinical Teaching Award
This is a national award given annually to two Canadian dermatology faculty clinical teachers who have made outstanding contribution to resident teaching and have inspired and mentored residents in their programs.
Canadian Skin Patient Alliance
Raed Alhusayen, 2020 Dermatologist of the Year
For his work in hidradenitis suppurativa and his tireless advocacy for patients with this condition.
Canadian Society of Internal Medicine
Ahmed Bayoumi, Dr. David Sackett Senior Investigator Award
This is the premier research award from our national society and is a testament to Ahmed's tremendous contributions to research.
Michael Fralick, New Investigator Award
This award recognizes excellence in the field of internal medicine research by a young investigator, and only one award is given across the entire country.
Moira Kapral, Osler Award
This award is presented annually to an individual demonstrating excellence in achievement in the field of general internal medicine, either in clinical practice, research, medical education or specialty development.
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine
Abdul Al-Hesayen, Douglas E Wigle Award for Resident Teaching
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism
Rene Wong, Dr. Paul Walfish Continuing Professional Development Education Award
This award is meant to recognize excellence in teaching, educational leadership, program development and/or educational administration, and/or scholarship related to continuing professional development in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of Toronto.
Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine
Nadine Abdullah, Mak Investigator Award - Education
Dr. Nadine Abdullah has been awarded a 2021 Mak Award to support her scholarly work in education. This award is funded through the Mr. Mak Pak Chiu and Mrs. Mak-Soo Lai Hing Chair held by the University of Toronto Division of GIM.
Seema Marwaha, Mak Bridge Funding Award
Dr. Seema Marwaha has been awarded a Mak Bridge Funding Award to support her scholarly work in health journalism. This award is funded through the Mr. Mak Pak Chiu and Mrs. Mak-Soo Lai Hing Chair held by the University of Toronto Division of GIM.
Karen Okrainec, Mak Investigator Award - Research
Dr. Karen Okrainec has been awarded a 2021 Mak Investigator Award to support her research program. This award is funded through the Mr. Mak Pak Chiu and Mrs. Mak-Soo Lai Hing Chair held by the University of Toronto Division of GIM.
Donald Redelmeier, GIM Citywide Award for Mentorship
Nominated by residents and trainees; only one recipient is selected from all faculty who attend on GIM services across the University.
Natalie Wong, Dr. Herbert Ho Ping Kong Teacher of the Year
Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine
Alexandra Muccilli, Faculty Teaching Award and Starkman Prize
Houman Khosravani, John Edmeads Mentorship Award
Division of Respirology, Department of Medicine
Andrea Gershon, Faculty Excellence in Research Award
Government of Ontario
Mamatha Bhat, Early Researcher Award
The Early Researcher Awards program is a competitive funding program for new researchers working at publicly funded Ontario research institutions to build a research team.
Odette Cancer Centre Medical Oncology
Sheron Perera, Trainee Abstract Award - Fellow
Kelvin Chan, Faculty Award - Quality
Helen MacKay, Faculty Award - Research
Anthony Lott & Michael Raphael, Medical Oncology Training Program Teaching Award
Professional Association of Residents of Ontario
Shoba Sujana Kumar, 2020 PARO Clinical Teaching Award
Ontario residents nominate clinical teachers whom they feel have made a unique and positive contribution to their learning
Public Health Agency of Canada
Michelle Hladunewich and Matthew Oliver, COVID-19 Immunity Task Force Grant
To monitor the immune response to the COVID vaccine for patients with kidney disease.
Royal Society of Canada
Sharon Straus, Fellow
Fellows of the RSC are distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.
St. Michael's Hospital Department of Medicine, Unity Health Toronto
Seema Marwaha, Dr. Robert H. Hyland Teacher of the Year
Marie Faughnan, Dr. Michael Freeman Award for Integrity and Professionalism
Yuna Lee, Dr. Michael Ward Mentorship Award
Jonathan Ailon, Laura Walker, Katina Tzanetos, Stephen Hwang, Ronita Lee & Charles Kassardjian, Outstanding Postgraduate Teaching Awards
Bob Chisholm, Division of Cardiology Dr. Luigi Casella Award
Laura Walker, Dr. Gerald Wong Award for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence
Michael Colacci, Dr. J.J. Connon Award
Rawan Rumman (PGY1), Shahmir Sohail (PGY2), Samik Doshi (PGY3), Murray Muirhead Awards
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Kim Connelly & John Sievenpiper, Insulin 100 Emerging Leader Award (Dean's Alumni Award)
Sharon Straus, Lifetime Achievement - International/Global Impact Award (Dean's Alumni Award)
Reena Pattani, Temerty Award for Excellence in Professional Values
Renee Wong, MD Program Taching Award for Excellence
The award recognizes faculty, residents, graduate student teachers and clinicians in the MD Program that have attained Teaching Evaluation Scores in the top 10% in one or more of the teaching activities to which they have contributed.
University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine
Sandra Black, Margolese National Brain Disorders Prize
The Margolese prizes were created by an estate gift to UBC by Leonard Herbert Margolese to recognize Canadians who have made outstanding contributions to the treatment, amelioration or cure of brain or heart disorders. Margolese, who died in 2000, was a Vancouver businessman who had a heart condition and whose brother had Alzheimer’s disease.
University of Virginia
Arno Kumagai, 2020 Anne L. Brodie Award and Professorship in Medical Education