Sep 18, 2024

CPA DAY 2024 - Open for Proposals

Culture & Inclusion
CPA DAY 2024- Open for Proposals

On November 8th, 2024 we will be hosting a virtual event from 11am to 1pm showcasing the outstanding Creative Professional Activities (CPA) many of our colleagues are involved in. If you have a CPA initiative you wish to present in ten minutes or less to our fellow clinician teachers, please let us know. The goal with this event is to showcase our work, open up networking and collaboration opportunities, and learn from one another. We know of many projects on the go from new evaluative tools, graduation tool kits, and online learning modules. It’s time for us to celebrate and collaborate with CPA day. Please mark November 8th, 2024 on your calendars. Additional details, registration form, and more info to follow via the Department of Medicine website and email.  

On behalf of Drs. Martina Trinkaus, Faculty Lead Valuing Clinician Teacher and Umberin Najeeb, Vice Chair Culture and Inclusion