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Dermatology: Recent Appointments & Awards

Congratulations to the following Division of Dermatology members:
Afsaneh Alavi
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Staff Dermatologist, Women's College Hospital
Director, Wound Healing Fellowship, Women’s College Hospital
Canadian Dermatology Foundation (CDF), Research Grant
Congratulation to Drs. Afsaneh Alavi and David Croitoru, PGY3 Dermatology for receiving a national research grant from the CDF. They have been awarded $50,000 over a two-year period for a multi-site cross-sectional observational study to assess disease and fecal microbiome associations in a cohort of patients with pyoderma gangrenosum. Well done!
An-Wen Chan
Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Staff Dermatologist, Women's College Hospital
Phelan Scientist, Women's College Research Institute
Adjunct Professor, ICES and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
University of Toronto, Department of Medicine, 2019 William Goldie Prize and Travel Award for Research
Congratulations to Dr. An-Wen Chan on receiving the 2019 William Goldie Prize and Travel Award for Research. The award was established in 1945 by an anonymous donor to honour the late Dr. William Goldie, who held a faculty appointment in the DoM. The prize - consisting of a commemorative certificate and travel grant - is awarded annually to a member of the department who is within 10 years of appointment to the department and who has made a contribution of notable merit to the advancement of sound knowledge in internal medicine through research, teaching, or quality & innovation. In recent years, three prizes have been awarded each year, one for research, one for teaching, and one for quality & innovation. This is an incredible accomplishment and well deserved!
Canadian Dermatology Foundation (CDF), World Congress of Dermatology Research Grant
Dr. Chan also received the $100,000 World Congress of Dermatology Grant from the CDF for his Women's College Hospital-based project titled "Patterns of care and outcomes for localized melanoma: Population-based cohort study." Congratulations!
Roni Dodiuk-Gad
Vice-Head, Dermatology Department, Emek Medical Center, Israel
Clinical Assistant Professor, Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Institute of Technology, Israel
University of Toronto, Assistant Professor (Status Only), Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine
Dr. Dodiuk-Gad, a former fellow of the Division of Dermatology has recently received a Status Only appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto.
Yuanshen Huang
PGY2 Dermatology, University of Toronto
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting 2019, Everett C. Fox, MD Memorial Lecture Award
In the Residents & Fellows Symposium session of their annual meeting, the AAD awarded Dr. Yuanshen Huang the Everett C. Fox, MD Memorial Lecture Award for the oral presentation of her abstract, titled "Diagnostic and prognostic implications of elevated Interleukin-2-Inducible T-Cell Kinase (ITK) in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma". This award is given to the top 3 winners-basic science category, out of 18 oral presenters selected from over 100 abstracts submitted - an amazing achievement!
Anthony Mak
PGY3 Dermatology, University of Toronto
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), Resident International Grant
Dr. Anthony Mak was selected to receive a Resident International Grant to participate in a four to six week elective in Botswana where the Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee (EVAC) has established dermatology support programs and teledermatology consulting services. The AAD receives an exceptional number of qualified applications for this experience, and Dr. Mak was chosen through a rigorous evaluation process - congratulations!
Vincent Piguet
Professor and Director of the Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Head of Dermatology, Women’s College Hospital
Scientist, Women’s College Research Institute
Canadian Dermatology Foundation (CDF), Research Grant
Dr. Vincent Piguet has received a $100,000 research grant for his role as Principal Investigator in the project "Tissue Imaging Mass Cytometry to Decipher Psoriasis Inflammation in Plaque and Paradoxical Psoriasis". The CDF is the largest peer review granting agency in Canada that is devoted exclusively to supporting dermatology and skin research. The research grants and amounts chosen for funding this year have been determined by a rigorous peer review panel of dermatologists and skin researchers.
Scott Walsh
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Staff Dermatologist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Department of Medicine, 2019 Continuing Education Teaching Award
Dr. Walsh received the Sunnybrook (SHSC) DoM Continuing Education Teaching Award for 2019 in recognition of his dedication to teaching at all levels, from pre-clerkship through to continuing education, his creativity in designing educational activities, and his ongoing support of the educational mission of the Department of Medicine.
University of Toronto, Department of Medicine, Academy of Master Clinicians (Class of 2019)
Dr. Scott Walsh was also accepted into the inaugural class of Master Clinicians, in recognition of his sustained record of clinical expertise. The Academy of Master Clinicians reflects those clinicians who are recognized by colleagues and the medical community for setting an example in high quality patient care, diagnostic acumen, and ability to confront challenging cases, while demonstrating humility, respect and civility for patients and colleagues. Congratulations to Dr. Walsh!
Dermatology Residency Program
University of Toronto
Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO), 2019 PARO Residency Program Excellence Award
Congratulations to Dr. Scott Walsh, Program Director, and all of the excellent clinician-teachers in the Division of Dermatology on being awarded the 2019 PARO Residency Program Excellence Award. The Award was created to recognize those programs that have consistently provided an exceptionally positive and rewarding experience to their residents, while producing physicians who are expertly trained to deal with the challenges in their upcoming careers. Receiving this award represents a huge achievement for the program and a testimony to the quality of its clinician teachers.