Jun 19, 2024

Dr. Peter Wu appointed Division Director – Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology

Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Headshot of Dr. Peter Wu

The Department of Medicine is excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Peter Wu as Division Director – Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology beginning on July 1, 2024. 

Dr. Wu is a Clinician in Quality and Innovation and an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine. He completed Core Internal Medicine training at the University of Toronto, then a Chief Medical Residency year at Toronto General Hospital, followed by subspecialty training in Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. He has been recognized with several teaching awards, many of which were trainee-nominated, and has held a number of educational roles. These include Site Director, Associate Program Director and most recently Interim Program Director of the Core Internal Medicine Program. His additional leadership roles in Quality and Patient Safety include past Chair of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee at the University Health Network (UHN), and current Medical Director of Quality and Safety at UHN. His scholarly work, disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and leadership roles, focuses on optimizing educational models, improving safe medication practices through pragmatic ward-based quality improvement studies, and highlighting important drug safety topics. 

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Wu on his appointment and thanking Dr. David Juurlink for his steadfast leadership in this role over the last 14 years.