Dec 1, 2022

Mentorship Matters December 2022: The More the Merrier - Different Mentorship Models

Culture & Inclusion
Image of DoM faculty smiling. From left to right: Dr. Andrea Page, Dr. Catherine Yu, Dr. Sharon Straus, Dr. Camilla Wong, Dr. Samir Gupta
From left to right: Dr. Andrea Page, Dr. Catherine Yu, Dr. Sharon Straus, Dr. Camilla Wong, Dr. Samir Gupta
By Dr. Catherine Yu

How many mentors are in this picture?

Many of us have benefited from Dr. Sharon Straus’ amazing mentorship, myself included!  Both personally and professionally, Dr. Straus has helped to shape my life - through being a wise counsel (but more importantly teaching me to be my own wise counsel), surrounding me with research network and resources, and supporting and protecting me from adverse circumstances - always with patience, quiet attentiveness and humility.

But her sphere of influence extends from this powerful dyadic traditional relationship to the other peer and group mentor relationships you see in this picture. Through Sharon, I have met peers (and best friends!) with whom I have commiserated, collaborated and congratulated, be it with one-on-one brainstorming over Dragon Drinks, midnight telephone calls, or backyard dimsum; group paper-writing sessions over drinks.

Mentors come in all shapes and sizes; stay tuned for upcoming events and resources!