Mentorship Matters September 2023: Mentoring our Mid-Career Faculty
Culture & Inclusion
By Dr. Catherine Yu
As we enter the fall season, with the return of Pumpkin Spice Lattes heralding the changing colours of the leaves, what better topic than to address the maturing of our mid-career faculty, of which I am one!
Thank you to our mid-career faculty who shared with me that their struggles included: lack of perceived need for mentorship, finding meaning in work, finding focus in work, finding resources and taking it to the international level.
Today’s column features a new tool - Getting Over the Mid-Career Hump. Reach out and meet with people, cultivate a web of mentors, map out your career cartography, prepare and adapt to changing conditions.
Our second spotlighted tool, Finding Meaning in Work, provides a framework for considering the impact we make on the world, the value we derive from it and our perspective on the world within our roles.
Thanks to those who have reached out and responded about their additional mentorship needs, both as mentors and mentees. If you feel like you need more mentorship, please feel free to reach out.
Stay tuned for more accompanying tools and resources on the Mentorship web page!