Dr. Heather McDonald-Blumer
The new academic year is upon us. As we start a-fresh, I wish everybody a very successful 2017-2018.
I would like to thank (again) the faculty, residents and fellows who participated in the 2017 Ogryzlo Research Day and made it such a successful event. In addition to our six podium presentations, there were 39 posters presented during the afternoon.
Dr. Ingrid Lundberg’s presentation on Myositis Antibodies
1st place - Stephanie Tom (PGY-5)
2nd place - Zoya QaiyumPoster
1st place - Malena Mahendran
2nd place - Taneisha McGee (PGY-5)
Dr. Ronald Laxer
Dr. Abraham Chaiton
(**) Attendance certificates and Maintenance of Competence documentation will be forwarded to each attendee in the near future. If you have not filled out the Survey Monkey evaluation of the day, please do so ASAP so that we can take into account your suggestions and feedback for our next Ogryzlo Day.
The divisional retreat that took place on April 24, 2017 provided an excellent forum for sharing ideas. A summary will be sent to all members of the division over the course of the summer and next steps for beginning our implementation phase will be discussed.
For any of you who have not seen it yet, the photographs that was taken at the time of the retreat is now on our Department of Medicine Rheumatology landing page. Please take a look. It looks terrific!