Aug 8, 2017

Rheumatology: Transitions


Dr. Arthur Bookman

Arthur Bookman

Dr. Arthur Bookman has stepped down as program director for our PGY-4/5 training program after leading the program since January 2011. During this time, Arthur has brought in many changes that have enriched the program and benefited our trainees immensely. Arthur was thanked at the Ogryzlo Research Day celebration. I know all of the residents and faculty will join me in thanking Arthur again. His presence will be missed at the Residency Program Committee meetings but it is nice to know that he is not far away for support and advice.

Dr. Dana Jerome

Dr. Dana Jerome has been the program director elect since March 31, 2017 and took over from Arthur as the program director effective July 1, 2017. Dana has been actively engaged in the program for a number of years and will use that, plus her educational expertise to lead the program forward. This will be a challenging time as under Dana’s mandate, the residency training program will transition to one of Competence by Design.


Dr. Simon Carette

Simon Carette

Dr. Simon Carette has been the fellowship director for nearly 10 years. During this time, he has helped clinical/clinical research fellows integrate into the University of Toronto system and supported them as they pursued there academic interest. Simon has decided to step down from this role; effective June 30th, 2017.