Tina Teng
The Rounds Table is a free weekly podcast hosted online by Healthy Debate. Its purpose is to provide an informative and engaging discussion of new research from the leading medical journals in 30 minutes or less. The show is directed and hosted by Dr. Kieran Quinn, a fellow in General Internal Medicine at the University of Toronto. Physician co-hosts across Canada with diverse clinical practices offer unique perspectives on how to translate knowledge from the latest research into practice.
After two years online, The Rounds Table is now downloaded over 6,000 times per month in over 100 countries across the globe! it was one of the top submissions in medical education at the 2015 Society of General Internal Medicine conference. Once of only a handful of medical podcasts based in Canada, The Rounds Table helps physicians keep up with the latest clinical evidence in an enjoyable and easily accessible medium.
Interest listeners can access the podcast at http://healthydebate.ca/theroundstable or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.