Differentiated Thyroid Cancer – ATA Low Risk for Recurrence Treated with Total Thyroidectomy +/- RAI

Discharge Criteria

Patients deemed to have low risk differentiated thyroid cancer with ATA defined excellent response to therapy at 2-5 years can be discharged with both of the following criteria met:

    1. No concerning sonographic findings on neck US (structurally complete response)
    2. American Thyroid Association (ATA) excellent biochemical response to therapy (low thyroglobulin [<0.2ng/ml] and negative thyroglobulin antibodies [assay dependent])

Suggest not to discharge if iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism post-operatively

Future Directions

  • Differentiated thyroid ca treated with hemithyroidectomy
  • Review new ATA guidelines 2024 (including USS f/u guidance depending on type of treatment given) 


Reviewed by topic experts Anna Sawka and Afshan Zahedi