About Us, Education, Faculty, Quality & Innovation, Research, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Emergency Medicine, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Hematology, General Internal Medicine, Nephrology
Canadian Medical Association
David Berbrayer, Honorary Membership to the Canadian Medical Association
Ontario Medical Association
David Berbrayer, OMA Council Elected delegate to the OMA Council
Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
Ahmed Taher, Top 3 Education Innovation Abstract Finalists CAEP Abstract Awards are awarded annually by the CAEP Research Committee as part of the CAEP Abstract Competition. CAEP Annual Awards are given to recognize contributions to emergency medicine.
Canadian Rheumatology Association
Natasha Gakhal,Canadian Rheumatology Association Practice Reflection Gold Award 2018 Awarded to members who have developed CME self assessment/practice reflection programs that are straightforward and cost effective with a preference for projects that involved trainees.
Division of Rheumatology
Shirley Lake, Pfizer Chair in Rheumatology Research Award Awarded to do research in quality improvement. Co-recipient with Drs. Natash Gakhal, Amanda Steiman and Jessica Widdifield.
Faculty of Medicine, Continuing Professional Development
Zaev Wulffhart, Interprofessional Health Care Team Continuing Education Award This award recognizes excellence in interprofessional team continuing education and professional development designed to enhance interprofessional team practice to improve health care delivery.
Faculty of Medicine, Postgraduate Medical Education
Kevin Imrie, Charles Mickle Fellowship Award This award is given annually to a member of the medical profession anywhere in the world, who in the opinion of the Postgraduate Executive Committee, has done the most within the preceding 10 years to advance and promote sound knowledge of a practical kind of medical art or science.
Stephen Hwang, Robert Sheppard Award for Health Equity and Social Justice The Robert Sheppard Award recognizes outstanding contributions of faculty members and postgraduate trainees in the development and/or implementation of activities, programs or research related to social justice and health equity in faculty development or postgraduate medical education.
International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis
Joanne Bargman, Gabor Zellerman Award for Peritoneal Dialysis The Gabor Zellerman Award was established in the memory of Dr. Gabor Zellerman by his wife, Lisa Hoffman, and recognizes lifetime contributions to the science and practice of peritoneal dialysis.
Mayday Fund
Andrea Furlan, Mayday Pain and Society Fellowship The Fellowship builds the next generation of pain experts who can provide evidence-based and solutions-focused information about pain care and treatment, as well as promising research emerging in the field.
Ontario Medical Association
Ahmed Taher, OMA Resident Achievement Award The Resident Achievement Award is awarded for outstanding contribution to the advancement of postgraduate training.
Ontario Ministry of Research Innovation and Science
Lihi Eder, Early Researcher Award The Early Researcher Awards program gives funding to new researchers working at publicly funded Ontario research institutions to build a research team.
Resident Doctors of Canada
Ahmed Taher, Puddester Award for Resident Wellness This awardrecognizes individuals who work to improve the wellness of residents across Canada.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
David Smith, Kealin Wong and Wes Armstrong, Sonogames Award An ultrasound skills competition. This winning team will be representing Toronto at the upcoming CAEP Sonogames in Calgary.