Sep 1, 2021

Dermatology: Transition to CBD

Division of Dermatology

Competence-By-Design Update

As the program prepares to transition to a Competence by Design (CBD) curriculum in July 2022, new ITARs are being created to adhere to the CBD curriculum. Dr. Jen Tran and Dr. Tiffany Chen have accepted the roles of Competency Committee Chairs – the Competency Committee will review trainee evaluations (entrustable professional activities (EPAs) and In Training Assessment of Resident (ITAR), exam scores, discuss trainee progress, address any concerns with training, and endorse trainees moving on to the next CBD stage.  

We are currently looking for a CBD faculty lead, to work in close collaboration with the Program Director. The faculty lead will be responsible for supporting the training and engagement of residents and faculty with respect to CBD and Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME).

Other changes to the program include the implementation of the Trainee Experiences document, to replace the Standard Training Requirements (STR). Many of the core experiences will remain the same. The most noticeable change for dermatology residents starting in 2022, will be a mandatory core pediatrics component.  Discussions are ongoing on how this will be incorporated as two blocks during the initial stages of CBD.

Also under discussion is a pediatrics-focused stream option for incoming residents. This will allow residents to increase focus on more core and subspecialty pediatric rotations during their training at U of T. Residents will still need to complete a minimum of adult medicine rotations.