Feb 11, 2019

Emergency Medicine: CIHR Grant - Dr Puchalski Ritchie

Emergency Medicine

Congraulations Dr. Lisa Puchalski Ritchie on recieving CIHR grant funding

Dr. Puchalsi Ritchie recieved funding on her project: "Development and evaluation of a toolkit to support low- and middle-income country implementers' through the steps of effective implementation planning to improve uptake of evidence into practice and maternal health outcomes"

Dr. Lisa Puchalski Ritchie is an Associate Proffessor in the Division of Emergency Medicine. She will lead this project, which aims to develop and test a novel tool-kit, designed to assess barriers and facilitators to implementation of interventions to maternal mortality in low- and middle-income countries. Effective implementation requires that barriers and facilitators to implementation are identified and addressed using theory-informed, evidence-based implementation strategies adapted to the relevant political and cultural context. Dr. Puchalski Ritchie and her team will find the best ways to implement these important strategies.